It’s just insane hearing the exact same BS from the far-right parties of major European countries as we hear from the alt-right in the US.

This last week The Daily has been airing an exposé where they interview these people, and it’s all about “oh we’re just trying to keep X country X” (read: white), mixed with a bunch of stuff about returning to “traditional values” and “stronger border control”.

But the most concerning aspect was that they are far better able to articulate the issue at hand, the thing that’s turning them to support the far-right: they want the tyranny of the majority. They explained that they were tired of living under a democracy that protected the rights and opinions of the “minority”.

One of the most outrageous things I heard was when the interviewer asked them about the outrageously unpopular death penalty in Germany, something that has been outlawed for many, many years and is almost universally reviled over there: What if the majority decided to bring that back? Would that be ok?

They answered: “Well, that wouldn’t happen here. But if it did, yeah, that’s democracy.”

This is, of course, right after they went on for a bit about how they shouldn’t be judged just because they’re part of the same ideology that the Nazis espoused: “Well I wasn’t alive then, so why is that my fault?”

It’s honestly disturbing, and if you want to understand why these people support the ideas they do, listen and you’ll hear disturbing echoes of the exact same rhetoric the right is espousing in the US.

As many others before me have stated, and as I believe as well:

It’s because this is all driven by the Russians (although at this point we’d be naive to think that other countries haven’t jumped into the fray). They’re pumping out far-right propaganda on a level previously unseen in history, they’re stirring up populist sentiments wherever possible (France’s Yellow Vest group, far-right parties in Poland, Italy, Germany, etc.), and they’re actively trying to break up the largest global power structures so that they’re free to invade whichever countries they want in order to restore themselves as a major world superpower.